In the Altius Hills
An interesting area to hike is up into the rocky steep hills above the Uplands Trails (link). On a summer day I climbed into the hills to explore and stopped to admire the flora along the way.
Mariposa lilies (Calochortus macrocarpus) were in bloom on a south-facing open slope. Click an image for a lightbox (larger) view.
In open areas there were were nodding onions (Allium cernuum), wax currants (Ribes cereum), saskatoons (Amelanchier ainifolia), spineless horsebrush (Tetradymia canescens), wavyleaf thistles (Cirsium undulatum) and various asters and daisies.
The upper hills were north-facing and were forested. There were a few wildflowers and fungi too, but mostly douglas firs and pinegrass.
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